We are Skull Mountain

Hi there!

TGIF and welcome to the Skull Mountain Friday Five – a super quick roundup of 5 things we found interesting, exciting or mildly amusing this week. Enjoy.


1. After the end of the Startup Era

Interesting point of view on the future of start ups, competing with the tech giants and the status of pretty much every aspect of tech. Well worth a read.

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2. Netflix Strategy for Global Domination

A fascinating insight into how Netflix make their shows like Stranger Things a global success.

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3. Data Points Needed for Deep Learning

Google needs a minimum of 100,000 examples to power deep learning and AI.

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4. How Much Oil Goes Into 1 Bitcoin

Pretty shocking!

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5. Amazing Paper Cutouts

This is just really really cool!

Read Article


Looking forward to catching up soon.



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